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Bilgi Minecraft Yazı Tura [SCRİPT]



19 Tem 2024
Tepkime puanı
Ben Yazmadım Başka Yerden Alıntıdır. Skript Adı Üstünde Yazı Tura Yazı veya Turayı Seçiyorsun. Ve Yanına Değer Giriyorsun. Kazanırsan Girdiğin Değer 2'ye Katlanıyor. Ayrıca Başlatılan Oyunlara Katılmak İçin Menüden Seçebiliyorsunuz. Kaybederseniz İse Paranız Gidiyor.

Gereken Plugınler:


/coinflip = Aktif Yazı Tura Odalarını Menüde Gösterir.
/coinflip create [100-25000] (Para miktarı) = Yeni Yazı Tura Odası Oluşturur.

# Configration
second: 5
min: 100
max: 25000

max_win_broadcast_enable: true

# Languages
prefix: &7[&6CoinFlip&7]&f

usage: &7Lütfen 100 ila 25000 arasında bir değer girin.
spam: &7Lütfen komutu biraz yavaş kullanın.
insufficient_balance: &cParanız yetersiz.
your_balance: &7Bakiyeniz: &a%player's balance%
start: &a%arg-1%$ &eyatırdınız. Sonuçlar bekleniyor..
max_win_broadcast: &d%player% &d&lMAX WIN &dKazandı!
max_win: &d&lMAX WIN &dTebrikler! &e%{_nb}%$ &dkazandınız!
win: &eTebrikler! &a%{_nb}%$ &ekazandınız!
lost: &cKaybettin. :(
new_balance: &7Yeni bakiyeniz: &a%player's balance%

gui_title: CoinFlip Odaları
gui_close: &cClose
gui_join_game: &7[&c!&7] Click to join the game!
gui_money: &7Money
gui_expire: &7Expire

game_player_join: &f%player% &7odaya katıldı. &7(&a%{_price}%$&7)
game_cooldown: &7Oyun &f%{_second}% &7saniye sonra başlıyor..
game_cooldown_title: &6Oyun başlıyor...
game_cooldown_subtitle: &e%{_second}%

game_winner_title: &a&l&n%{_winner}%
game_winner_subtitle: &aTebrikler!

game_created: &aOda başarıyla oluşturuldu.
game_started: &fKazanan belirleniyor...

game_closed: &cRakip oyuncu çevrimdışı olduğu için oda kapatılmıştır..
game_not_found: &cGame not found.

on script load:
delete {COINFLIP::*}

every 1 minute:
loop {COINFLIP_GAME::*}:
set {_diff} to (unix timestamp of {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%loop-index%}) - (unix timestamp of now)
if {_diff} < 0:
set {_player} to "%loop-value%" parsed as player

set {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%{_player}%} to now
set {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%{_player}%::%loop-index%} to {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%loop-index%}

delete {COINFLIP_PLAYERS::%{_player}%::%loop-index%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME::%loop-index%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%loop-index%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%loop-index%}

if amount of {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%loop-index%::*} is 0:
delete {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%loop-index%}
set {_player} to loop-index parsed as player
if {_player} is online:
loop {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%loop-index%::*}:
add loop-value-2 to {_player}'s balance
delete {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%loop-index-1%::%loop-index-2%}
if (difference between loop-value and now) is greater than 30 days:
delete {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%{_player}%}
delete {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%{_player}%::*}

on quit:
loop {COINFLIP_PLAYERS::%player%::*}:
broadcast "game closed %player% %loop-value%"
set {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%player%} to now
set {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%player%::%loop-index%} to {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%loop-index%}

delete {COINFLIP_PLAYERS::%player%::%loop-index%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME::%loop-index%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%loop-index%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%loop-index%}

command /coinflip [<string>] [<integer>] [<offline player>]:
aliases: cf
usage: {@prefix} {@usage}
executable by: player
if arg-1 is set:
if (arg-1 parsed as number) is number:
set {_price} to arg-1 parsed as number
if {_price} < {@min}:
send colored "{@prefix} {@usage}" to player
if {_price} > {@max}:
send colored "{@prefix} {@usage}" to player
if {_price} > player's balance:
send colored "{@prefix} {@insufficient_balance} {@your_balance}" to player

set {COINFLIP::%player%} to true
remove {_price} from player's balance
send "{@prefix} {@start}" to player

loop ({@second}*7) times:
play sound "" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to player
wait 3 tick

delete {COINFLIP::%player%}

chance of 50%:
set {_nb} to {_price}+{_price}
add {_nb} to player's balance
if {_nb} >= ({@max}+{@max}):
if {@max_win_broadcast_enable} is true:
broadcast "{@prefix} {@max_win_broadcast}"
send colored "{@prefix} {@max_win}" to player
send colored "{@prefix} {@win}" to player
send colored "{@prefix} {@new_balance}" to player
play sound "entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to player

send colored "{@prefix} {@lost} {@your_balance}" to player
play sound "item.shield.break" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to player

else if arg-1 is "join":
arg-2 is set
arg-3 is set
if {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%arg-2%} is set:
if {COINFLIP_GAME::%arg-2%} is online:
set {_price} to {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%arg-2%}
remove {_price} from player's balance
send colored "{@prefix} {@game_player_join}" to arg-3

delete {_players::*}
add player to {_players::*}
add arg-3 to {_players::*}

set {_second} to 3
loop 3 times:
send colored "{@prefix} {@game_cooldown}" to {_players::*}
send title "{@game_cooldown_title}" with subtitle "{@game_cooldown_subtitle}" to player for 2 seconds with fadein 0 second and fade out 1 second
play sound "" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to {_players::*}
subtract 1 from {_second}
wait 1 second

send colored "{@prefix} {@game_started}" to {_players::*}
loop 50 times:
set {_winner} to random element out of {_players::*}
send title "&7%{_winner}%" to {_players::*} for 2 seconds with fadein 0 second and fade out 1 second
play sound "" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to {_players::*}
wait 2 tick

wait 2 second
close player's inventory
send title "{@game_winner_title}" with subtitle "{@game_winner_subtitle}" to {_players::*} for 5 seconds with fadein 0 second and fade out 1 second

if {_winner} is not player:
send colored "{@prefix} {@lost} {@your_balance}" to player
play sound "item.shield.break" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to player
send colored "{@prefix} &cKaybettin. &f%player% &fkazandı!" to arg-3
play sound "item.shield.break" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to arg-3

set {_nb} to {_price}+{_price}
add {_nb} to {_winner}'s balance

send colored "{@prefix} {@win}" to {_winner}
send colored "{@prefix} {@new_balance}" to {_winner}
play sound "entity.player.levelup" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to {_winner}

delete {COINFLIP_PLAYERS::%arg-3%::%arg-2%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME::%arg-2%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%arg-2%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%arg-2%}
set {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%arg-3%} to now
set {COINFLIP_KEEP_PRICE::%arg-3%::%arg-2%} to {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%arg-2%}

delete {COINFLIP_PLAYERS::%arg-3%::%arg-2%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME::%arg-2%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%arg-2%}
delete {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%arg-2%}
send colored "{@prefix} {@game_closed}" to player
send colored "{@prefix} {@game_not_found}" to player

else if arg-1 is "create":
if arg-2 is set:
set {_price} to arg-2
if {_price} < {@min}:
send colored "{@prefix} {@usage}" to player
if {_price} > {@max}:
send colored "{@prefix} {@usage}" to player
if {_price} > player's balance:
send colored "{@prefix} {@insufficient_balance} {@your_balance}" to player

set {_GAME_ID} to a random integer between 10000 and 9999999999999
remove {_price} from player's balance

set {COINFLIP_PLAYERS::%player%::%{_GAME_ID}%} to {_GAME_ID}
set {COINFLIP_GAME::%{_GAME_ID}%} to player
set {COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%{_GAME_ID}%} to {_price}
set {_now} to now
add 1 hour to {_now}
set {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%{_GAME_ID}%} to {_now}

send colored "{@prefix} {@game_created}" to player
send colored "{@prefix} {@usage}" to player

create a gui with virtual chest inventory with 6 rows named "{@gui_title}":
make gui slot (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,17,18,26,27,35,36,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53) with black stained glass pane named "&r"

make gui slot 49 with barrier named "{@gui_close}":
close player's inventory
play sound "" with volume 0.3 and pitch 1 to player

set {_slot} to 9
loop {COINFLIP_GAME::*}:
set {_loop_index} to loop-index
set {_loop_value} to loop-value

add 1 to {_slot}
if {_slot} is 17 or 26 or 35:
add 2 to {_slot}

if {_slot} > 43:
stop loop

delete {_lore::*}
add "" to {_lore::*}
add "{@gui_join_game}" to {_lore::*}
add "" to {_lore::*}
add "{@gui_money}: &f%{COINFLIP_GAME_PRICE::%{_loop_index}%}%$" to {_lore::*}
add "{@gui_expire}: &f%difference between {COINFLIP_GAME_EXPIRE::%{_loop_index}%} and now%" to {_lore::*}
add "" to {_lore::*}
add "&8ID: ##%{_loop_index}%" to {_lore::*}

make gui slot {_slot} with skull of {_loop_value} named "&f%{COINFLIP_GAME::%{_loop_index}%}%" with lore {_lore::*}:
if {_loop_value} is not player:
close player's inventory
wait a tick
execute player command "coinflip join %{_loop_index}% %{_loop_value}%"

open the last gui for the player

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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