Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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Paylaşım Minecraft Bilmece Sistemi script



19 Tem 2024
Tepkime puanı
    Prefix: !
    Token: "Buraya Yapıştırın"
    Bot: "Buraya Yapıştırın"

on load:
    if {@Bot} parsed as bot is not set:
        login to {@Token} with name {@Bot}   
on unload:
    logout {@Bot}
discord command {@Prefix}bilmece [<text>] [<text>] [<integer>]:
        if event-member has permission manage server:
            purge the event-message with {@Bot}
            set {channel} to discord id of event-channel
            discordBilmece(args 1, args 2, args 3)
function discordBilmece(cevap: text, ipucu: text, sure: integer):
    if {_cevap} is set:
        if {_ipucu} is set:
            if {_sure} is set:
                set {oyunbasladi} to true
                set {kelimebulundu} to false               
                set {sure} to {_sure}
                set {cevap} to {_cevap}               
                make embed:
                    set title of embed to title with text "Bilmece Oyunu Başlatıldı!"
                    set description of embed to "%nl%:question:**Soru;**%nl%```%{_ipucu}%```%nl%%nl%:alarm_clock:**Süre;**%nl%```%{sure}% Saniye```%nl%%nl%:pencil2:Süre Başladı, Bol Şans."
                    set color of embed to brown
                send last created embed to channel with ID "%{channel}%" with {@Bot}
                wait 1 second
                loop {_sure} times:
                    if {kelimebulundu} is false:                   
                        wait 1 second
                        add -1 to {sure}
                if {kelimebulundu} is false:                       
                    make embed:
                        set title of embed to title with text "Bilmece Oyunu"
                        set description of embed to "%nl%:alarm_clock:Süre Doldu, Kimse Cevabı Bulamadı..%nl%%nl%:question:**Cevap;**%nl%```%{cevap}%```"
                        set color of embed to brown
                    send last created embed to channel with ID "%{channel}%" with {@Bot}
                    set {oyunbasladi} to false
                send "Bir Süre Belirtmelisiniz." to channel with ID "%{channel}%" with {@Bot}                 
            send "Bilmecenin Cevabı Hakkında Biraz Bilgi Vermelisiniz." to channel with ID "%{_channel}%" with {@Bot}               
        send "Bilinecek Kelimeyi Yazmalısınız." to channel with ID "%{channel}%" with {@Bot}               
on server message received seen by {@Bot}:
    if event-text is "%{cevap}%":
        if {oyunbasladi} is true:
            set {kelimebulundu} to true
            wait 0.1 second           
            make embed:
                set title of embed to title with text "Bilmece Oyunu"
                set description of embed to "%nl%:bulb: %mention tag of event-member% Cevabu Buldu!%nl%%nl%:question:**Cevap;**%nl%```%{cevap}%```"
                set color of embed to brown
            send last created embed to event-channel with {@Bot}
            delete {channel}

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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

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